Linux kernel Bug Fixing Journey
Linux kernel Bug Fixing Journey
#### 15th Feb 2022 : 22:53 IST 15th Feb 2022 : 22:53 IST
So finally got everything to apply for [LFX Linux kernel Bug Fixing Spring 2022]( "LFX Linux kernel Bug Fixing Spring 2022") but now applications are not open :') like they were open yesterday, there is no schedule on for 2022 program, but looks like yesterday was the last day :')
Discussed about the program with my fellow members on [ILUG-D]( "ILUG-D"), seems like its more like do everything on your own and CC the mentor your progress. If that is the case I might not miss anything if I go on full YOLO and starts the Linux Kernel Dev on my own, ofcource with the LFX's and other guides, contributors blogs and support of ILUG-D. The only difference will be certification and stipends, I may interact with kernel maintainers down the road.
This Post is to track my progress, although I am very lazy and you will see it but the feeling of contributing to Open Source and specially Linux is the motivation.
Nahi hoga tumse
About the Author:
चिराग सुक्खाला / Chirag Sukhala
I TURN ON computers.