About ItsMeh.com

ItsMeh.com is a social media platform made for students and professionals, keeping transparency and privacy in mind.
It focuses on connecting you with people and opportunities around you & the people around them, which is a more natural way of networking.

ItsMeh.com is still under development and experimentations.
Once done, The technologies that enable ItsMeh.com to scale and serve while being secure, fast and modern will be open-source as ItsMeh Local.

For developers & organisations, ItsMeh local is a tech stack & architecture. It enables the unification of information services using modern authentication and data sharing mechanisms.
ItsMeh local is a self-hosted solution for any organisation where data ownership is critical & customization is required.

Information Services can be anything like live class time-tables, student portals, education & certificate verifications, ETC.
ItsMeh Local will take care of authentication abstraction and much more for you.

If 1+1 is not equal to 10 for you, then ItsMeh is boring for you.